Agency Culture – The 5 Difference Makers Every Client Should Demand



Great work is a given, but a thriving culture is what you’re looking for. Ray Valcich, Crossmedia New York’s head of Marketing, lets you in what sets outstanding agencies apart from the rest.

Generative AI Cannot Be Another Black Box



Have we become so mesmerized by technology that we’re completely blind to the potential threats it poses, both to individuals as well as society at large? Jay Krihak, Executive Director Crossmedia New York, urgently calls for controls being put into place if we don’t want to fall victim to the dire consequences of unchecked AI.

The Anatomy of a Performance Marketing Organization



Why do so many organizations struggle to build a solid foundation for their performance marketing? Dr. Ram Singh, Chief Performance Media Officer at Crossmedia New York, has existential questions that marketers should be asking and shares his roadmap to a customized performance culture and infrastructure.

On ChatGPT: This Blog Post Was Not Written by an AI



ChatGPT has been capturing everyone’s attention on both sides of the pond, and the Crossmedia offices have been no exception. Here, Matt Asman, Director Analytics Operations at Crossmedia New York, shares his thoughts where we’ll see ChatGPT pop up in the immediate future and how marketers can use the tool to their advantage.

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